Starting a new Disciplemaking Community (DMC) at One-North

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Starting a New Disciplemaking Community (DMC) at One-North

Posted on 20 Feb 2023

Bernard is a Procurement Executive in a logistics company while Pei Fang is a General Manager in a family business construction firm.

Both of them came to Christ through the NP (Ngee Ann Polytechnic) Navigators. They had served as disciplemaking leaders at campuses for years and have now transitioned to start the One-North Disciplemaking Community.

What led you to start a new DMC (Disciplemaking Community) at One-North?
During the past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, One-North has become our go-to social spot where we often gather for lunch, dinner, one-on-one time, and to play games or sports together. As a result, our gatherings at One-North have grown organically.
Our mentors have a missional vision for One-North and directed us to focus our efforts there. As we prayed for ourselves, the labourers, and the community in One-North, our hearts grew to recognise the needs of this community.
We sought the leading of the Spirit for the vision and prayed over Isaiah 42:6 (ESV) — 

“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness;
I will take you by the hand and keep you;
I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations”.

It is especially reassuring to know that not only does God make us righteous, but He takes us by the hand and give us as a covenant and light for the people in the One-North Community. We are truly blessed to start and serve in this new missional community, and we are grateful for God’s presence and support for the people here.


Saturday lunch gathering

Breakfast together and sharing lessons learnt

Bernard's (right) man-to-man time with Guan Tong (left) whom he is mentoring

Share an experience you’ve had since you started this new DMC last year.

We are grateful for a group of missional labourers who are united and committed to living and labouring together at One-North.
A few months ago, one of our labourers visited a company located at One-North in search of job opportunities. During her visit, she conversed with a lady who was working there, and they quickly became friends. Now, we play sports together every Saturday, and she has even invited her colleagues and friends to join us. It has been an exciting opportunity to partner with God in connecting with new people and building new relationships.
In addition to the labourers who have already been living or working in the One-North area, some labourers intentionally chose to work and play here. This creates an organic presence in the community. Their regular presence provides excellent opportunities to engage relationally with people in the workplaces and community during and after work hours. 

Basketball session on Saturday morning

We also meet up with one another in the morning for devotional sharing, prayers, and encouragement over breakfast before we begin our workday. This rhythm has become an integral part of our life.

Morning Quiet Time Fellowship before work

Celebrating Christmas with family and friends at home 

What were your key takeaways from attending the Virtual Asia Pacific Missions Network Forum (15-17 Oct 2021)?

The 3-day forum was an eye-opening and enriching experience. We were humbled to learn from the diverse perspectives of like-minded international leaders, country leaders, laymen and missionaries.

One of our key takeaways is that:

"A priest is someone who intercedes between God and His people. I am a priest to those who do not have Jesus."

However, it has been observed that the presence of priests seems to be missing from the lives of the lost. How can we serve as "priests" among the lost if we are always within the Christian communities, and are physically and relationally distant from them?

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people for his own possession,
that you may proclaim the excellencies of him
who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light

1 Peter 2:9 ESV

To become a meaningful member of the community that we are called to serve in (1 Peter 2:9), we need to live closer to the lost and spend more time with them in person.

We also learnt about the non-Christians’ worldview and the journey of discipling through various challenges.

The world often views religion as a commitment that restricts one’s ability to enjoy life to its fullest. In our conversations with the younger generation, many have expressed that they were not yet ready to accept Christianity for this reason.

We are learning to disciple life-on-life with the essence of 'Enjoying Life with Jesus', with an emphasis that a gospel-centered community is not just about attending religious classes or activities.

Building relationships is crucial in breaking down the worldview that hinders people from enjoying life in Jesus. By opening our hearts and homes, spending time together, sharing our lives, and living out the gospel, we can build trust and create opportunities for others to see the true freedom and joy that comes from our faith.

Ultimately, we hope others will learn to see that life in Jesus can be liberating, colourful and enjoyable.

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches,
but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,
thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."

 1 Timothy
6:17-19 ESV

This is what we are learning to apply in this new disciplemaking community at One-North.
