300 supporters
$1.1M (31 Aug 2025)
To help raise a new wave of disciplemakers for Singapore, Asia and beyond.

Communities - The Navigators Singapore

Communities - The Navigators Singapore

Communities - The Navigators Singapore

Communities - The Navigators Singapore

Communities - The Navigators Singapore
Communities - The Navigators Singapore

City Discipling Network

Make Disciples in All Vocations

We are a network of disciplemaking communities providing support and resources to build lifelong discipling relationships
in the spaces of home, neighbourhood, work, play and church.

In these mobile communities, every believer can reach, teach and invest in others out of a Christ-centered, Bible-based and Spirit-led walk with God.

We are lifelong labourers in God’s harvest, with the term “labourer” taken from Matthew 9:38.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”
– Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV)

Disciplemaking Communities

Our Disciplemaking Communities come together because of alignments in vocation, geography, interests and age among other factors. Within each community are smaller disciplemaking groups which are relationally strong and missionally nimble.


Church Discipleship Ministry

We partner pastors and leaders in the church as they fulfil the Great Commission, by coming alongside to create disciplemaking environments. Disciples of Christ are established and equipped in these environments.

20s30s Disciplemaking Community

20s30s Disciplemaking Community

NavTech Disciplemaking Community

NavTech Disciplemaking Community

4:19 Disciplemaking Community

4:19 Disciplemaking Community

One North Disciplemaking Community

One North Disciplemaking Community

Facilitating The Intentional Disciplemaking Church Process which involves thinking through biblical disciplemaking strategies with the church

Conducting clinics for the use of tools pertaining to Discipleship, Mentoring and Disciplemaking

Providing disciples an environment where they meet together to form a Disciple Making Learning Community (DMLC)

Conducting workshops to bring about:
– Culture and Change
– Communication for Sustainable Change
– An Understanding of Spiritual Warfare

Join Us


One-on-one personal discipleship has taught me that being a Christian is not what it seems to the average person. In the process of learning to sincerely study and obey God’s Word, I became even more motivated to pursue God. I wanted to know more about the teachings of Christ. I am convicted not to be a muddled Christian.

Eileen Chua

Being part of the disciplemaking community encourages me to stay accountable for my spiritual growth and grow deeper into the Word with others. Seeing how we serve and love each other inspires me to share this joy and experience in the Gospel with the people in my life.

Chen Jia Hao

Being part of the disciplemaking ministry has helped me stay alert to the mission field everywhere I go. Through one-to-one discipleship and relational witnessing, I’ve seen how disciplemaking can be applied in any walk or season of life, transforming my daily interactions into opportunities for Kingdom impact.

Denis Lim

I am interested to know more about

Disciplemaking Communities
Church Discipleship Ministry

I want to support the Navigators in making disciples life on life
in Singapore, Asia and Beyond.