ENLARGE — Alex Lo Testimony

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ENLARGE — Alex Lo Testimony

Posted on 14 Oct 2022

Alex Lo (Nav Alumni)

Alex was with the Singapore Polytechnic Nav Ministry in the 80s’. He is currently an active member in his church promoting leadership through personal and small group discipling.

 Alex Lo


How did you get involved with the Navigators?

Many may not know that I should have ended up with Campus Crusade for Christ or CRU as they are known today. Way back in 1980, I accepted Christ through a CRU student during a lunch break but before he could follow up with me, my lecturer popped into class and he left. Then a week later, I almost ended up with Poly Christian Fellowship but that fizzled out too. Another week later, two guys (Lek Siang Hwa and Chang Sian Keng) from SP (Singapore Polytechnic) Nav approached me. If the Lord wants you to be involved with the Navigators, you cannot escape, right?


What does “Enlarge the place of your tent” (Isaiah 54:2-3) mean to you?

When the Father of Modern Missions William Carey preached on this verse, he titled it, “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.”  Well, to me, it simply means to dream big for God and trust Him to do it.

The first time I heard this was from my leader Yong Thut Khoon in 1987 in the men’s apartment where I lived for a year. He was so excited to share what he had learnt about this promise. I have to thank Thut Khoon because it’s a lesson that had kept me going all those years —initially discipling students in Singapore Polytechnic as a graduate, and later on as a businessman in the marketplace.

I got acquainted with this promise again while I was praying about going full-time with the Navigators in 1990 with Nav Missionary Chuck Broughton. At the end of one year of praying with Chuck, God’s direction was not for me to go full-time with the Navigators, but rather, to be involved in the marketplace. I have to thank Chuck because he reminded me that his job was to help me clarify God’s Will and not necessarily for me to go full-time. It was a decision made with absolutely no regrets as I witnessed many great things of God in the marketplace.

Enlarging myself? The first and most obvious thing that was enlarged is my waist, whom those who knew me from my SP student days will readily attest to. Next is a doubling when I married my lovely wife Corinne or Siew Hoon as many would know her then.  And by His grace only, our family enlarged with the addition of 4 children.



Alex’s family with his wife and 4 children


Enlarging the Place of My Tent


Marketplace, Moviemaking and Community


Being in the marketplace, I have seen much enlargement of areas where I can serve and witness to — hundreds, if not thousands.

I thank God for the opportunity to produce movies that bring the gospel to many thousands in Singapore and even more to the rest of the world. I pray that those souls who respond to the message of these movies will be nurtured in the grace of our Lord Jesus, and in turn produce many more souls for the Kingdom.



Alex was involved in the production of movies that have a gospel message.


I am also blessed to be on the Board that makes decisions in a community hospital that serves, loves and heals many thousands every year. I pray that those souls who have tasted the goodness of God at the community hospital will come to Him one day.


Church’s Missions

I also had the opportunity to visit many mission fields in Malaysia, Mainland China, East Timor and Philippines, leading the teams there, sharing the gospel and even being directly involved in building churches in the field. I pray that those who joined me in those trips will catch the vision and continue bringing the gospel wherever they go, in their neighbourhood and beyond our shores. I also pray that the churches built overseas will attract scores into their halls who will get to know and worship our Great God.



Photo of natives and missions partner (far right) taken by Alex on one of his mission trips.


It has also been a pleasure to be able to teach baptism classes, baptise my church mates and solemnise their weddings. Talk about dreaming big! I pray that they will carry on the work of enlarging their tents through winning souls for Christ and with enlarged families, through children of their own.



Alex solemnising a wedding for his church mates.


Discipling Men

Of course, the real enlargement is about investing your life into another person. But isn’t it counterintuitive to attempt great things by investing your life into another life? I am not a great evangelist, but I was trained to walk alongside another believer in the Christian basics.

I had the pleasure of helping young men in their early Christian life, some of whom have gone on to make big impacts in God's Kingdom. They have gone on to make a lot more disciples than I have and influenced many others as leaders in their churches.


I have only one life and if the Lord uses it to impact only two lives, that in turn influences many more, some that will go on and disciple the nations and produce spiritual generations of labourers.


All praise to our Heavenly Father for He gives us big dreams and He is faithful. He will fulfil them! May we continue to work with the Lord to enlarge His Kingdom till he returns.


