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Listening to God I

Posted on 24 Feb 2022
by Margaret Ng, Navigators Staff
“Margaret, the NET (National Executive Team) would like you to be in charge of the upcoming Staff Prayer Day in January.”
My first reaction when I heard these words from Lee Yin (representing the NET) was that of fear, anxiety and consternation. However, after much prayer and reflection, I decided to do it as it was yet another opportunity and privilege for me to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 
Hence, despite my own reservation and limitations, I decided to step out in faith, trusting Him for His enablement and empowerment.
After listening attentively to God’s voice on the matter, a few dear colleagues and I decided on the theme ‘Listening to God’, where we would come before the Lord for a time of stillness to listen to His voice.
Kim Tok launched the Prayer Day with a short testimony of his own journey of listening to God. He declared the authority of God over all other voices so that we could be still before Him and discern His voice amidst the hustle and bustle of life. He prayed that we would surrender all our faculties and submit ourselves to the Lord Jesus.


| Kim Tok, our former National Director (1990-1998), shared his journey of listening to God at the launch of the Prayer Day.


The first prayer session entitled ‘The King and I’ entailed spending time alone with God and seeking Him to reveal to us about our relationship with Him.
Participants were divided into groups of five with a leader allocated to each group to facilitate the sessions. Mobile devices were also put away to avoid distractions before we proceeded to spend time to listen to God individually.
After about an hour, we gathered back into our groups to share and pray for one another. It was a time of sharing, revelation and thanksgiving.
We continued our second prayer session after lunch. This time, participants were to remain in their respective groups to discern God’s purpose for the Singapore Navigators with regards to the organisation’s cohesiveness. Hence, this session was entitled ‘The King and His Kingdom’.
Part of the session involved discerning how each individual could contribute to and collaborate in the ministry towards building up His Kingdom here in Singapore and into the nations.
After sharing what God had revealed collectively to the group, participants prayed together, upholding what had been discerned and empowering one another for the purposes of God. Indeed, it had been a fruitful, fun and fulfilling time listening to God.
One staff shared, “I had a blessed and renewed day with the Lord and with one another. I felt ministered by the worship songs and the listening prayer guide of the two Bible passages — Ephesians 4:1-16 and Isaiah 54:1-3. Some of the reflection questions were very helpful.”
He concluded by saying that “Unity is the heartbeat of God. It is in exercising our different gifts given from Him together that we are able to enlarge our tents, so that God can be glorified.”
Another had this to add, “I enjoyed the time listening to God too… I particularly appreciated Kim Tok’s frank sharing as well.”
Personally, God ministered to me in His special way.
When interacting with Him during our individual time, I had a chat with God about what He had to say about our relationship. This was the thought that He put in my mind: “I am your Supplier.”
This word ‘supplier’ did not occur to me before in any of my interactions with Him. I paused, and asked Him to elaborate, and I waited. Then a whole list of how God had provided for me in times past (and in particular these past two months) rolled out before my mind.
As I recalled these memories, I realised that indeed, God had never failed to provide for all my needs these past years.
Even during the preparation of this Staff Prayer Day — from the content, the people who had helped, the sharing, the programme execution, the operation of the PA and IT systems, the choices of worship songs, the drafting of the script and the editing of Powerpoint slides, it was God who had held it altogether to make it happen.
When I ponder about His grace and mercy upon my life, the list could go on and on. I learnt that it is really all about Him, and Him allowing me to be a part of what He is doing in our midst. Praise and honour be to God!
Below is the summarized ‘Listening to God’ guidelines for your reference. This was taken from Rusty Rustendbach’s Listening to God Forum Post # 46 – Listening to God Guidelines and Exercise.
I hope that it will help you to grow deeper in your devotion and closer in your walk with Him. To God be the glory!

