60th Anniversary Celebration Service

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60th Anniversary Celebration Service

Posted on 19 Oct 2022


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The 27th of August marks a significant date for The Navigators Singapore. It was on this day 60 years ago when the first Navigator missionary Roy Robertson stepped foot in Singapore to launch the Navigator work here.

On 27 August 2022, we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of The Navigators Singapore at Geylang Evangelical Free Church.

We held a Celebration Service with the theme “Celebrating the Past, Inspiring the Future - ENLARGE”, which was motivated by the scriptures Isaiah 54:2 and Isaiah 60:22.


“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”

— Isaiah 54:2


“The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation.
I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”

—Isaiah 60:22


It was a delightful time as we joined hands with our labourers, alumni and partners in celebrating our past and inspiring our future.

There was also a renewed sense of our Calling, resonating with and motivating us. We witnessed the heart-warming sight of generations of Navigators present, young labourer couples with babies in tow and people from overseas attending the service online.

A few of our senior staff chimed in with their encouraging comments after the service:


“Well done all! Praise and glory to God! 60th Anniversary Navigators’ celebration was uplifting and uprising!”

“An inspiring 60th Anniversary Celebration by our younger staff and labourers. Well done. Glory to God alone!”

“Exciting to see the new generations taking over. Praise God! So much of the future and vision is so exciting. Much to give thanks to God!”

“God-glorifying programme. Praise the Lord. And many young men and babies too! One generation to 2 generations!”

“As I sat and looked at the screen of Roy and Phyllis Robertson as founders of The Navigators Singapore, I was both humbled and thrilled but awed…. If only Phyllis could see the generations! She did, by faith! The impact of generations was so real and joyous then at that moment of celebration!”


Here are some of our favourite highlights of the day:


Ice Breaker

We kickstarted our Celebration Service with an ice-breaker quiz. Attendees were posed with questions relating to the history of The Navigators Singapore. Eagle-eyed participants could spot the answers in the magazine provided in the door gift package.

ice breaker

One of our participants for the Ice-Breaker games



We had a team of musically-talented Navigators to lead us in a time of worship, which concluded with a heartfelt rendition of the Singapore Navigators’ anthem, “Heed the Call”.


Clifton leading the worship segment of the service.



Alex Lo (a Navigator alumni) was invited to share his faith journey and what “enlarging the place of his tent” looks like for him. Check out his testimony at the link below:

- Alex Lo Testimony


Skit: The Story of the Two Seeds

How many seeds are there in a durian? How many durians are there in a seed?

We were also treated to an entertaining skit presented by our own Navigator Labourers.

(Check out the skit below! Skit starts at 00:59:40)


A well-scripted skit highlighting the significance and importance of each individual’s role in advancing the gospel for Christ; each person can make a difference in making and multiplying disciples.

In the closing segment of our Celebration Service, we had our National Director, Viloane Ko, to share about the need of the hour for the Navigators. Viloane emphasised that the most pressing shortage that the Navigators must see is what Jesus spoke of in His time in Matthew 9:36-38.


"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
— Matthew 9:36-38


Check out Viloane’s speech here.


The hour has come for us to tread greater heights. We need you to “ENLARGE” your hearts right where you are.

It is time for you to respond: “I will ‘ENLARGE’!”


Our Thanksgiving Video:


