Leading out of the Scriptures

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Leading out of the Scriptures

Posted on 21 Dec 2021
By See Guan and Claire
After the recent APEL (Asia Pacific Emerging Leaders) workshop session by Glen Morris on ‘Leading out of the Scriptures’, we (See Guan and Claire) came away with some lessons:


“I have learnt that both heart and knowledge are important in relating to Scripture. The Greek words Graphe and Logos are both used to describe Scripture – Graphe refers to the physical words of the Scripture, whereas Logos implies the living power of God; it is relational, and is neither static nor fixed.

To experience both Graphe and Logos — the factual and relational aspects of the Word, I have to be intentional in listening with my heart to God’s Word and studying His Word diligently.

Paul’s letters in Thessalonians, Colossians and Galatians have been most helpful for me when we were faced with physical separation from those we were discipling due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Through studying the Scriptures, we were challenged to learn what the Bible had to say about connecting with one another in times of separation and what it means for us.

Paul spent time in prayer and thanksgiving for those he was discipling, and grew in heart for the needs of his people, writing to them to share his concerns and prayers.

I was refreshed and excited by how God had used and will use times of separation to grow His people in prayer and reliance on Him.

While I had been worried about the changes the pandemic brought, it gave me much joy and confidence to know that God’s transforming work in our lives and that of others is being completed in ways I have never imagined.”


See Guan
“What Glen Morris shared impressed me as he said that ‘it is through reading the Scripture (Graphe) that we hear God speaking His Word (Logos) to us’.

I was looking forward to having ‘cafe’ (Logos) experiences with God — meeting with God and knowing Him in a relational manner.

As I looked for journeys mentioned in the Bible to learn from, one journey that stood out to me was the Israelites’ exile to Babylon for 70 years. During their time of waiting, God’s instruction to them was to continue to build and increase. They were not to worry about their unusual circumstances but to be faithful and trust God.

God also promised that He was working out His good plans in His people’s lives and had plans to prosper them.

It occurred to me that I should not give excuses not to do ministry work in this time of change, but to be faithful amidst the pandemic and various measures in place. Thus, I continued to meet guys under my care both in-person and online, and I am grateful to witness their growth and faithfulness as they planned and organised activities within the current limitations to reach out to others proactively.”


See Guan & Claire

“We see that Scripture helps to lead and guide us in our everyday lives.

As we grow in relating to it in fellowship with others and with our hearts and minds, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we pray that its work in our own lives will bless those in the campus ministry whom we share the Word with.”
See Guan and Claire are full-time teachers. They are also actively serving as labourers in the Navigators’ campus ministry.

