Ask the Lord to bring someone into your life whom you can invest time and care in, helping them to grow and mature. You will be amazed as they, having received your guidance, are then willing to do the same for others.
I am thankful for the many opportunities I had during the trip to share my salvation testimony and my experiences in my journey of following Christ. God had allowed me to experience the profound measure of His grace, so that I could share it with others and draw them closer to Him.
One-on-one interaction is evident in the way Jesus handled the Samaritan woman (John 4), the blind man (John 9), and numerous other accounts. Each individual is important, and Jesus demonstrated this by spending time with each person, one at a time.
Ask God to bring someone into your life, perhaps a peer or an older person who is willing to coach, model and set an example for you. Once we experience the joy of the transforming power of God in our lives, we will seek to influence and mentor others.
We envision a thriving disciplemaking community that is constantly reproducing disciples and disciplemakers among individuals in the technology field or through technology. By harnessing the potential of technology, we can propel our work into harvest fields that may be challenging to reach through traditional means.